Modul: 431 044 - Elective modul – Sustainable Development Governance (Programm Future Management)

Responsible for Module

Prof. Dr. Marc Ringel

Module scope

8 ECTS correspond to a workload of 200 hours

Splitting the workload

Attendance / Contact Hours (15 Events a´5 SWS) = 58Std.

Preparation/Homework/Self-Study = 116Std.

Time for Exercises/GroupWork = 26Std.



Exam Requirements

Exam (60 minutes) 70%

Seminar paper & presentation 30%

Requirements for Participation

Good knowledge of English

Relation to other Modules in the Course

I.5 Gesellschaftliche Trends und Transformation

I.6 & II.6 Grundlagen zukünftiger Entwicklung

Teaching Forms



Inverted Classroom with digital learning materials (videos, articles, external content),
Guest speakers from the European Commission, the International Energy Agency, Fridays for Future as well as energy and climate associations