Studium generale - Landscape Forum Region Stuttgart

Landscape Park Neckar - Re-imagining the Productive City Region

Prof. Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk has over 25 years of experience studying, teaching, and advising on aspects of urban forestry and nature-based solutions. He is widely considered as one of the world’s leading urban forestry experts, and his work has been featured by leading media outlets such as CNBC and in international documentary films. A Dutch national, he has lived and worked in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Leitung: Prof. Dr. Ellen Fetzer, HfWU
Referent: Prof. Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk, Nature Based Solutions Institute, Netherlands

17:00 Uhr: Begrüßung

17:15 Uhr: Vortrag "From regional visions to local meaningfulness: Making multi-scalar green space governance and planning work", Prof. Dr. Cecil C. Konijnendijk

18:00 Uhr: Preisverleihung des internationalen studentischen Wettbewerbs ‚Landscape Park Neckar – Re-imagining the productive city region‘

ab 19:00 Uhr: Abschluss & Einladung zur Vernissage der Austellung

Diskutieren Sie mit Professor*innen der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen und externen Expert*innen

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