Autumn Vibes at NGU: Pumpkin Carving

Datum und Veranstaltungsort: 24.10.2024 | TBA | TBA | Termin für Kalender exportieren (iCal .ics)

Join us in pumpkin carving to kick off this year's Halloween season at this International Student Club gathering!

"Trick or treat!" This is the phrase echoed by thousands of children every Halloween season. To be part of this festive tradition, we're excited to host our pumpkin carving event this year, and we invite you to join us. The event, along with refreshments, is free. You only need to bring your own knives. Please note that we have limited seating available, so it's first come, first serve.

Want a sneak peek of the fun? Check out this video clip from last year's event!

Your International Student Club ✌