Herman Daly's Economics for a Full World. His Life and Ideas

Date and location: 15.05. – 15.05.2024 | 19:00-20:30 Uhr | Online | Download event to calendar (iCal .ics)

Economist Herman Daly, who died in October 2022, was a gentleman, scholar, and independent thinker, who was prepared to discuss and debate his ideas with anyone. Despite being the recipient of several prestigious international awards Daly's views were not welcomed by most mainstream economists, who remained wedded to growth despite its increasingly obvious deficiencies and limitations.  Daly's economics for a full world is based on his seminal work on steady-state economics which is increasingly relevant for understanding and solving the economic and environmental problems of today and tomorrow. Drawing on extensive interviews with Daly and in-depth analysis of his publications and debates, Peter A. Victor describes Daly's intellectual development, inspirations and influence, and his foundational contributions to ecological economics.


Peter A.Victor is a Professor Emeritus at York University. He has worked for over 50 years in Canada and abroad on economy and environment as an academic, consultant and public servant. His most recent books are Herman Daly's Economics for a Full World. His Life and Ideas (2022) and Escape from Overshoot: The Economics of a Planet in Peril (2023).


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