Professor für Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsentwicklung, Studiendekan International Master of Landscape Architecture
Campus: CB1 124
Schelmenwasen 4-8 72622 Nürtingen


2012Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D. equivalent) at Dortmund University of Technology, School of Spatial Planning
2001Graduation "Diplomingenieur für Landespflege (FH)" (Master´s equivalent) at Dresden University of Applied Sciences
1996-2001Studies in Landscape planning at Dresden University of Applied Sciences
1995-1996Voluntary Ecological Year in the "University in the Farmhouse" Goßberg/Saxony
1995 University-entrance diploma in Lahr/Schwarzwald

Professional Experience

since 2023 Professor (Landscape Planning and Landscape Development) at Nuertingen-Geislingen University, School of Environment, Design and Therapy
2016 Visiting Professor at the Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences (RALI) at the  University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna (Austria) for the Subject "Renewable Energies and their Impacts on the Visual Landscape"
2013-2023 Professor (Landscape Planning and Landscape Informatics) at Nuertingen-Geislingen University, School of Landscape Architecture, Urban and Environmental Planning
2013 Visiting professor at University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), Department of Forest Resources Management
2011-2012 Visiting Scholar at Michigan State University ( East Lansing, USA), School of Planning, Design and Construction
2006-2013 Research Scientist and Lecturer at Dortmund University of Technology, School of Spatial Planning, Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning
2002-2006 Research scientist at berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin), Institute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
2001-2006 Landscape planner and consultant at Environmental Planning, Research and Consultancy (Gesellschaft für Umweltplanung, Forschung und Beratung), Berlin

Awards and Scholarships

2021 Teaching award of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg (endowed with € 50,000)
2021 Research award of the HfWU-Hochschulbund for outstanding research achievements
2021 Teaching award for outstanding student motivation given by Nuertingen-Geislingen University
2018 Research award of the HfWU-Hochschulbund for outstanding research achievements in 2016
2015 Appointment to the Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research - Cross-university Plattform for Cutting-edge Research at Universities of Applied Sciences
2013 Appointment to the Global Young Faculty (Initiative for outstanding early stage researchers, funded by Mercator Research Centre Ruhr, Mercator Foundation and University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr) for the Period October 2013 to April 2015
2012 Rudolf Chaudoire Research Award given by Dortmund University of Technology (endowed with € 5,000)
2011-2012 Fulbright Scholar (Fullbright-Schuman Scholarship), jointly funded by DG Education and Culture of the European Commission and the US Department of Foreign Affairs
2003-2006 PhD Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
1996-2001 Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation



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