Corona Ordinance in the version valid from 16.12.2020

Published at

For the study operation, there are the changes that were announced yesterday. Firstly, the libraries will remain closed up to and including January 10, 2021, and secondly, no lectures will be possible during the curfew from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am.

The Ministry of Science is trying to maintain the existing regulations. This is reflected in the Corona Regulation that has now been adopted and in the announcement that when the Corona Regulation on study operations is extended, essentially the previous legal framework applicable to universities will remain in place. This concerns in particular also the possibility of the execution of examinations in presence.

Due to the short-term closure of the libraries, all book lendings that fall between Dec. 16, 2020 and Jan. 15, 2021 have been automatically extended to Jan. 18, 2021. Please check your library account and extend the loan period for items that were overdue prior to 12/16/2020.

If you encounter any problem, please contact bibliothek-nuertingen@no or bibliothek-geislingen@no immediately.

In the meantime, feel free to use the HfWU Library's digital media. You can find more information about researching and accessing our digital media in neo and on the website:

Please watch for more information about the library's opening in the new year on the library's web pages:

If you have any questions, please contact the library's general email addresses:

Nuertingen Library: bibliothek-nuertingen@no

Geislingen Library: bibliothek-geislingen@no


Corona Ordinance in the version valid from 16.12.2020. (German)