Changes in the Infection Protection Act also affect NGU

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Act Amending the Protection against Infection Act (entered into force on April 23), and the Third Ordinance of the State Government Amending the Corona Ordinance of the State Government (entered into force on April 24) also affect studies at NGU.

Early on, the NGU rectorate had decided that the summer semester would be conducted digitally. Nevertheless, individual classroom events were possible, such as laboratory activities, internships, practical and artistic training sections. With the latest changes to the Infection Protection Act and the Corona Ordinance of the state government in Baden-Württemberg, this is now no longer permitted for the time being!

If the seven-day incidence now exceeds the threshold of 100, or of 165, the amended Infection Protection Act provides for further restrictions (see Section 28b (3) IfSG, sentences 2 and 3):

  • If in a county or a city without a county the seven-day incidence exceeds the threshold of 100 on three consecutive days, then, starting on the day after next for (...), colleges, (...) alternate teaching takes place.
  • If the seven-day incidence exceeds the threshold value of 165 for three consecutive days in a district or an independent city, then, as of the day after next for (...) universities, (...) face-to-face instruction is prohibited.

The two university locations Nürtingen and Geislingen are located in districts (Esslingen and Göppingen) with a seven-day incidence of more than 165, so that face-to-face teaching is now prohibited under the Infection Protection Act. The corresponding announcements can be found on the homepages of the two counties: Esslingen & Göppingen

Examinations are not teaching and remain unaffected by the regulation. The same also applies "to research activities, activities in laboratories and similar facilities". Events (lessons) with predominantly practical and artistic teaching components, which we were previously able to approve in exceptional cases, are now no longer permissible given the current incidence of over 165 (as of 26.04.2021). There is no change for the university libraries.